Sunday, August 29, 2010


My students eat lunch in my classroom which always provides for some good laughs.
I bet this story is funnier when I tell it with my impersonations of the kids.... but here is one of my favorites:

Student 1: What is peanut butter made of?
Me: Peanuts.
All the students: ewwwww
Student 1: Where do peanuts come from?
Me: The grow in the ground.
All the students: ewwwww

Student 2: What is butter made of?
Me: Milk
All the students: ewwww

Student 3: What are rainbows made of?
Me: Something magical.
All the students: ewwww

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh, Brother!

I told my class that my brother was going to come into class on Friday and visit if they behaved this week.

Student M: Is he white?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Classroom photos

My classroom photos as promised. My homemade white board.

The Math Brain Train, add a suit case for every assessment you score 80% or higher on. The "Take a Break Lake" or time-out. My Reading to New Height reading tracker, watch your hot air balloon rise as you become a better reader.

The First Grade

I survived my first week of teaching the first grade. I have 13 students so far and need 7 more to be a capacity. My classroom is about the size of my dorm room (pictures to come soon).

Here are just some of the things that my little cherubs have said this week:

Me: Can you give me a word that starts with r and ends with t?
Student D: Rat.
Student J: Turtle.

The students love my hair. At recess they want to play beauty shop instead of running around.
Student H: How did you get your hair so long?
Me: I grew it out.
Student H: All by yourself?