Thursday, February 24, 2011


In math today, one assignment was to draw the time you like to do something then write a sentence about it.
My favorite one: At 6:00 a.m. I like to dreank capacheanos (drink cappuccinos).

Favorite spelling that came out of our writing prompt today: myouzick (music).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Delightful, its Justin Boober!

Me: A new vocabulary word is delightful, can anyone use it in a sentence?
Student: Delightful, I'm drinking at cup of tea.

Student: My mom says if I get murdered I can't come to school anymore.

In math I was trying to make a word problem more interesting by using the Justin Beiber movie in it.... I accidently said:

Me: So I went to the Justin Boober movie at 2:00.
Class, myself included: Erupts in laughter.
Student: Look Ms. Major is crying!
It was just such a funny slip I couldn't maintain my composure.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

Student: Ms. Major is Justin Beiber your Valentine?

Me: What is a word that rhymes with moan.
Student: Cologne!

Student: Ms. Major you look like a mom.
Student 2: No, Ms. Major you look like a teenager.

Reading a story about a boy who is happy....
Me: How do you think the boy felt?
Student: He was probably crying, tears of joy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Laughing out loud in class

Student 1: Ms. major, if you wash your hair everyday, why doesn't it get nappy?

The Animal: Ms. Major, I was watching Criminal Minds last night ... (continues to recap entire episode)

Our P.E. coach has also been fired, so for the past week I have been being Coach Major... nothing makes me laugh more then watching the little 6 & 7 year old boys run laps around the basketball court.
Student: Coach Major, why are you laughing so much at us today?