Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Santa...

We wrote letters to Santa. This is my favorite. Written verbatim.

Dear Santa.
Its me D____ H____. I have been a good boy this year! Yay me! I want a book, nintendo dsi and a remot kntrol. Pleas give Rudolf a karrot.
Good Boy
D______ H______
D.J. Thats my nick name.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

The best parts of being a teacher:
1. Christmas and Summer Vacation
2. Christmas presents.

The top of the top Christmas presents included:
- Snow Globe
- Sentimental Plate that says "Things are possible to those who believe"
- Fleece Throw
- Hand Soap
- Lotion
- Photo Album
- Chocolate gift basket

Best Christmas Card inscription: "Thank you for giving me that back pack? I gave you a gift"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa and Jesus

Student: Is Santa and Jesus the same person?


I took some of my students to get a picture with Santa Claus... we passed the picture around class today (I wish I could post it here).

Student: That's not the real Santa.
Me: Yes it is!
Student: No, the real Santa is black.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Season's Greetings

Me: Raise your hand if you celebrate Kwanza.
Only one child raised his hand... the only white student out of my 22 students.

Taking a class picture with Santa
M: Ms. Major, can you hold my hand, Santa scares me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Don't worry... not my student.

At recess a study comes running up to me holding his chest.

Student: Ms. Major, my brain is thumping.
Me: Your brain?
Student: Yes, by brain is thumping [points to heart]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

One from a parent.

After a student was absent for four days, I called home to see what was up.

Me: I was just calling to check up on W.
W's Mother: He'll be at school tomorrow, he was unable to have a bal movement.


Student: M was checking me. She called me hard-knock.
Me: I have no idea what that means.

To check (v) - to make fun of, diss
hard-knock - some sort of diss

Calling someone "country" is also a diss.